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  Hi! I'm Katie, and I LOVE to read! (If that wasn't obvious). I also love to write, and to help edit others writing, if needed. I am a very large fantasy fangirl, and love watching book tube when I'm not reading, writing, studying, or spending time with family.

I also like to encourage others to write, and write what you like. I had a friend who tried to discourage me from writing the book I'm working on, but I didn't let that stop me. The same friend would try to convince other friends to stop writing the things they do, because they all have one similar element. Honestly? That's fine. As an author, you have an unique style, and that will show throughout your writing. Point of that story: don't let others get in the way of your dreams. You write! And keep writing, and keep reading. 

If you have suggestions for things I should read, or an idea you've had, email the address below, and I'll try to get back to you. The same is with any questions you may have for me. Share this site with others you think may like it, and let's see where this takes us!



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